Make an Appointment
Make an electronic appointment with the doctor in neurological outpatient´s clinic in Prague 1, Revoluční 19: MUDr. Věnceslava Svobodová: Tue+Wed+Fri, MUDr. Daniela Tejklová: Thu - here
Make an electronic appointment with doctor in Prague 5, Ženské domovy: Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30, 9:00 and 14:00, Thursday at 8:30 and 9:00 - here
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Basic Data
Revoluční 19/765
Praha 1
110 00
NEUROLOGY Poliklinika Revoluční:
+420 221 715 291
PHYSIOTHERAPY Poliklinika Revoluční:
+420 221 715 260
NEUROLOGY Ženské domovy:
+420 257 003 416
Wi-Fi free
Neurology - Praha 1, Revoluční 19
Neurology - Praha 5, Ženské domovy
Neurology - Praha 6, Poliklinika Pod Marjánkou
Physiotherapy - Praha 1, Revoluční 19
Neurosurgery - MD. Sroubek
Physiotherapy - Praha 6, Poliklinika Pod Marjánkou
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